Armed Response to Active Shooter


From 9:00 until 5:00

At P2 Concepts Private Facility


Course Description:

The Armed Response to Active Shooter is a reality based scenario course that prepares you for the most dangerous scenarios anyone could be confronted within a public environment. This course places a strong emphasis on mastering the skills of “gun fighting” as a licensed concealed carry citizen and on tactics used in the confines of chaotic situations. We utilize UTM (non-lethal ammunition) for all of our force on force training.

Subjects covered:

Upon completion of this course, the student will have the knowledge of and/or be able to demonstrate:

  • Mass casualty encounters that have occurred and how it has affected our lives
  • The definition of Situational Awareness and how to apply it when in a public environment
  • How to protect yourself utilizing various concealed firearm tactics to eliminate the threat

Items to Bring:

  • Note taking material
  • Eye Protection
  • Water/Hydration Device
  • Bagged lunch or snacks
  • Portable chair
  • Clothing appropriate for strenuous activity which is seasonally appropriate

**Note: This course is a reality based force on force course that utilizes UTM (Ultimate Training Munitions – Non-lethal training ammunition). All students will be provided with firearms, ammunition, and protective gear which is included in the price of the course.**


P2 Concepts Private Facility - Final location TBA upon registration




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