From 9.00 am until 5.00 pm
At P2 Concepts Private Range - Valley View, Texas
Course Description:
This intense firearms training course focuses on tactical speed shooting, development of aggressive gun-handling skills and dynamic action while deploying a tactical rifle (carbine). This is a tactical rifle course, not a precision rifle course.
Subjects covered:
Upon completion of this course, the student will have the knowledge of and/or be able to demonstrate:
- The Do’s and Don’ts to modifying a rifle
- The modern techniques of shooting and applications
- The effects of Sympathetic Nervous System in a high stress environment
- The concepts of basic marksmanship shooting skills
- The concepts of your vison in a high stress situation
- Gun fighting fundamentals for Close Quarters Combat (CQC)
- Low percentage shots
- Speed Mag Reloads vs. Tactical Reloads
Items to Bring:
- 300 Rounds of rifle ammunition
- Tactical Rifle (please ensure you rifle is sighted in whether iron sights or optic)
- Spare Magazines (minimum of 3)
- Note taking material
- Eye Protection
- Water/Hydration Device
- Bagged lunch or snacks
- Portable chair
- Clothing appropriate for strenuous activity which is seasonally appropriate
P2 Concepts Range