From 08:00 until 17:00
At Brownsville Police Department
600 E. Jackson Street, Brownsville, Texas 78520
Member Fee: $250.00, Non-Member Fee: $300.00
Vehicle Engagement Tactics
8/17/2016 - 8/18/2016
Credit Hours: 16
Brownsville, Texas (Region 3)
Member Fee: $250.00
Non-Member Fee: $300.00
Contact Info: Joe Villarreal, 956-592-7917 / 956-299-0330
Online Registration
Course Details
The TTPOA in conjunction with P2-Concepts are proud to be hosting a 16 hour Vehicle Engagement Tactics Course in Brownsville, Texas on August 17 - 18, 2016. This course focuses on the attributes of combat pistol and rifle shooting from within and around a vehicle, utilizing live fire drills in the first day of the course and force on force training in the second day. Class will start on Wednesday 17th at 8:00 a.m. at the Brownsville Police Department, located at 600 E. Jackson Street, Brownsville, Texas.
Course Topics
- How to deploy Rifle/Pistol and engage threats from inside and around a vehicle.
- The difference in ballistics vs. a vehicle (i.e. glass, metal, plastic, etc...)
- The difference in cover vs. concealment while in and around a vehicle.
- How to apply proper tactical principles, such as standoff distances and angles, from out and around your vehicle
Students must be a Law Enforcement Officer or Active in the Military.
Credentials will be checked on the first day of class.
Required Equipment
Carbine with a Sling
Pistol with Holster
400 rounds of 5.56
300 rounds of pistol ammo
3 rifle magazines (min.)
3 pistol magazines (min.)
Soft Body armor/plate carriers (whatever you are issued)
Hearing and eye protection
Some type of hydration device (camelback, jug of water, etc...)
Payment Instructions/Host Hotel Information
Payment should be made to the TTPOA. Credit Card payment is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED. If a check MUST be used as payment, please contact Joe "Sonny" Villarreal at (villarreal4395@cob.us) or 956-299-0330 or 956-592-7917.
Payments must be received by August 5th 2016 in order to hold your spot. No refunds will be given after this date.
The course will begin promptly at 8:00 a.m. on Wednesday 17, 2016 at the Brownsville Police Department located at 600 E. Jackson Street, Brownsville, Texas 78520. All student must be present at this time.
Host Hotel Information: TBA